24 Jul 2012

Fixed the iPhone, Jelly Bean next...

ok fixed the iPhone space issues for now, found a bunch of torrented files that were not cleaned up, that got me a couple of gigabytes - still have over Gig of other but figure since I have a whole bunch of Jailbreak apps, then that will do for now.

JB5.1.1 procedure sounds like a long winded PITA so will settle for 5.0.1 until iOS6.

Now wheres that JB install for the S2...

iPhone Space Cleanup

All right - had enough of the orange other space reported in iTunes sucking up space on my bl**dy iPhone.

Time to start finding stuff to clean up, step one, install openssh (I am jailbroken already), and connect to the damn thing and find space.

This is my starting point

Andrews-iPhone:~ root# df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/disk0s1s1  1.4G  954M  396M  71% /
devfs            26K   26K     0 100% /dev
/dev/disk0s1s2   29G   26G  2.4G  92% /private/var

Now to find that space...

4 Jul 2012

Automated tracking

Ok I have to admit that I'm confused by this one. Google are applying for a patent that covers video face recognition. Doesn't this technology already exist? Don't our governments already use this in conjunction with video surveillance? Either way the first thing my warped mind jumps to is the embarrassment of confusing your face with that porn star... Oh the one hung like a donkey that's me moonlighting...

3 Jul 2012

A nerds dream has come true!!


Lovely lovely lovely... Saw this too late and it's out of stock already - dammit

Too late??

Firefox mobile OS (ex boot to gecko) is making it to market, well in Brazil anyway. With today's smartphone market tied up with Android and iOS, Microsoft trying to create a niche in the same space is this destined to be an also ran?